Monday, September 23, 2019

Aplikasi Cloud Computing Dalam Kehidupan Sehari Hari

  • Aplikasi Matematika Diskrit pada Teknologi Informasi #kelaspakoji #pakoji #matdis

    Matematika Diskrit adalah ilmu metematika yang mempelajari tentang objek objek diskrit. Diskrit adalah objek objek yang dapat dihitung. . Referensi ...
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  • E Dinar Coin 2018

    dinarcoin semakin populer di dunia Barat, Asia dan Eropa Timur, tujuan utama kami adalah untuk membebaskan dunia dari lingkaran setan keuangan dunia .
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  • Digital Inside: Aplikasi Info BMKG #1

    Aplikasi info BMKG 4.0 kini dapat memberikan prediksi cuaca lebih presisi dengan tingkat akurasi mencapai 85 hingga 100 persen. Lantas, teknologi terbaru ...
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  • Pemanfaatan Komputer Pada Bidang Kesehatan(Melafind)_TugasPTI

    Pemanfaatan Komputer Pada Bidang Kesehatan Disusun oleh : Indah Sriutami 151611513039 Avianti Nastiti 151611513040 Atika Dewi Retno Swari ...
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  • Google Keynote (Google I/O'19)

    Learn about the latest product and platform innovations at Google in a Keynote led by Sundar Pichai. Watch more #io19 here: Google I/O 2019 All Sessions ...
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  • Developer Keynote: Get to the Fun Part (Cloud Next '19)

    If you put hands to a keyboard to build, test, maintain, or operate systems, this is your chance to take a deep dive into Google Cloud. See how Google Cloud ...
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  • Energy hunger, blackouts and energy providers (2/2) | DW Documentary

    Mobility is one of the world\'s biggest drivers of energy consumption. The switch to renewable energies will affect people\'s everyday lives. How will we get from A ...
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  • Cloud Computing - Computer Science for Business Leaders 2016

    caching, load balancing; containers, virtual machines; IAAS, PAAS, SAAS.
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  • Google I/O Keynote (Google I/O '17)

    Join us to learn about product and platform innovation at Google. See all the talks from Google I/O \'17 here: Watch more Android talks at ...
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  • Dosen Gaul Ngajar Kimia Komputasi - Tutorial 8 - Instalasi dan Pengenalan ChemDraw

    Dosen Gaul Ngajar Kimia Komputasi - Tutorial 8 - Instalasi dan Pengenalan ChemDraw Kimia Komputasi - Tutorial 8 - Instalasi dan Pengenalan ChemDraw ...
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  • Developer Keynote (Google I/O '18)

    Learn about the latest updates to our developer products and platforms at Google in a Keynote led by Jason Titus. This video is also subtitled in Chinese, ...
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  • The animated guide to the intelligent edge (Explanimators: Episode 8)

    The easiest way to understand the intelligent edge. Did we mention there are moonwalkers, old-school overhead projectors and a time-traveling hologram of ...
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  • materi tkj kelas 10 full kursus

    divideo ini terdapat pen jelasan tentang jaringan bagai mana bisa bekerja dan bagai mana kita mengidentifikasikan alat bahan untuk membuat jaringan ...
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  • Developer Keynote (Google I/O '19)

    Learn about the latest updates to our developer products and platforms at Google from Google Developers. Watch more #io19 here: Google I/O 2019 All ...
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  • The Internet of Things by James Whittaker of Microsoft

    Change is coming. The web is being consumed by apps. Search is becoming a victim of its own success. The Internet of things is upon us and in the distance ...
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  • Statistical Programming with R by Connor Harris

    Statisticians, scientists, and data analysts often use R, an free, open-source interpreted language with matchless support for statistical analysis and data ...
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